Tuesday, September 06, 2016, Byron Belitsos, and Urantia - research notes, Byron Belitsos, and Urantia - research notes
Brian Salter, 30 September 2004 Controversy has been building over some of the leaders of amongst many 9/11 activists and politcal researchers. One of them is Byron Belitsos, who is not just involved in the 9/11 Truth Movement but is also a leading promoter of an unusual, synthetic religious-type movement called the Urantia Brotherhood, which was created in the early 20th century. The shady background of Urantia has led many activists to express concern and even alarm over Belitsos' role in the 911truth organization. For example, Alex Constantine, a widely respected researcher and author on mind control, cults, and related topcs, writes: "The Urantia Brotherhood is a Skull & Bones spin-off. Byron Belitsos of the 911 Truth Movement's claim to fame is his popularization of the brotherhood's holy textÝ -- supposedly channelled by a member of the Kellogg family, which had four members enrolled in Skull & Bones fraternity at the time to book was produced." Nico Haupt (, another critic of Belitsos and, says that Belitsos is soon going to be giving him a statement, which he will publish. So, we will be assured of hearing both sides of the story. For now, here is a collection of raw information of the type that has given many people grave concerns about the implications of a leading Urantia promoter taking a central position in the "9/11 Truth Movement". from Byron Belitsos - Byron is a founding board member of He authored its by-laws and also sits on the Movement Committee. He has been a book publisher and editor for the last ten years. His press recently published the book Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies, by Jim Marrs. Byron is also coauthor of the forthcoming book One Planet: A Progressive Vision of Enforceable Global Law. He has a B.A. in intellectual history from the University of Chicago. His graduate studies have embraced history, literature and religious studies and were conducted at Naropa Institute, where he studied with poet Allen Ginsberg, at University of California and at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Some overviews of Urantia, from a variety of viewpoints: The UrantiaÝBook describes Jesus, his life and teachings as constituting the 7th Bestowal Mission of Michael of Nebadon (Nebadon being the name of the sub-universe in which Earth subsists). Michael is in turn described as a Paradise Creator Son of God, an order of being which brings order and life to sub-universes, who, after seven bestowals as various orders of beings, becomes his universe's acknowledged chief executive. According to the Urantia Book, Jesus began life on earth through birth as any other human, but attained to mortal spiritual perfection by way of balanced growth and dedication to doing God's will. The book describes him teaching and living a religion of personal religious experience that includes for its followers salvation into an afterlife, followed by an ages-long growth-adventure culminating in Paradise attainment. The Urantia Book characterizes Jesus' gospel as the Parenthood ("Fatherhood") of God coupled with the siblinghood ("sonship") of all mankind. According to the Urantia Brotherhood, which is "a voluntary and fraternal association of believers in the teachings of The Urantia Book," (Letter from Urantia Brotherhood dated Sept. 1977.), "The account of the life and teachings of Jesus in The Urantia Book is much more complete than that of the New Testament, but not contradictory." (Basic Concepts of The Urantia Book, Urantia Brotherhood, Sept. 1975, pg. 2) First appearing in 1955, The Urantia Book is a mammoth tome that credits no human author. Rather, it claims to have been assembled by extraterrestrial entities, or ìRevelators,î with ostentatious names such as Perfector of Wisdom, Number, Divine Counselor, and One Without Name, and channeled by one unidentified human. The 2097-page volume gives a fantastically convoluted and obscure account of cosmology, anthropology, theology, and history. Yet, in this opacity lies much of its fascination. Students of the book claim that they have received an esoteric dispensation that eludes the masses. Because of the bookís sheer bulk, it supplies endless details on cosmology, theology, and anthropology not mentioned in other religious scriptures. Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D. Denver Seminary Denver, Colorado The UB Fellowship was founded in 1955 as the Urantia Brotherhood and is an association of people who say they have been inspired by the "transformative teachings" of the UB. According to the UBF, these "superhuman personalities" are from another world. They synthesized the work of more than 1,000 human authors in a variety of fields, including an "astronomical-cosmological organization of the universe" unknown to modern science and an elaborate extension (700 pages) on the life of Jesus. The UB also reveals that the "Universe is literally teeming with inhabited planets, evolving life, civilizations in various states of development, celestial spheres, and spirit personalities." In short, the UB is over 2,000 pages of "revelations" from superhuman beings which "correct" the errors and omissions of the Bible. "Urantia" is the name these alleged superhumans gave to our planet. According to these supermortal beings, Earth is the 606th planet in Satania which is in Norlatiadek which is in Nebadon which is in Orvonton which revolves around Havona, all of which revolves around the center of infinity where God dwells. Martin Gardner is skeptical of the UBF's claims. He believes the UB has very real human authors. Originally, he says, the UB was the "Bible" of a cult of separatist Seventh Day Adventists, allegedly channeled by Wilfred Kellogg and edited by founder William Sadler, a Chicago psychiatrist. According to Gardner, in addition to an array of bizarre claims about planets and names of angels, etc., the Urantia Book contains many Adventist doctrines. Sadler died in 1969 at the age of 94 but his spiritual group lives on. Sadler got his start working for Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, Adventist surgeon, health and diet author, and brother of cornflake king William Keith Kellogg. These are the same Kellogg brothers who were featured and lampooned in the movie "The Road to Wellville." From Belitsos' own "Romancing the Universe" site: The Urantia Book was authored and presented by celestial personalities and given to our world through a method that is not wholly understood. Popular lore recounts a twenty-year process in the 1920s and 30s in Chicago of direct interaction between a superhuman commission of celestial personalities and a "contact commission" of six humans. In addition, a group of several hundred people known as the Forum, which met once a week during these years in Chicago, was indirectly involved in the revelatory process, feeding (through the human contact commissioners) not only hundreds of questions to the revelators but even comments on early drafts of the papers. The finished version, a massive tome, was first published in 1955, and nearly 500,000 copies are now in print. The Urantia Book is not a new "bible", but it does purport to be an epochal revelation to our planet. The so-called Teaching Mission (or "TM") is, by contrast, a grassroots phenomenon involving localized transmissions of celestial teachings based on the Urantia text to small groups and individualsóincluding "live" question and answer sessions. There are thousands of pages of such sessions that have been transcribed and collected since 1991, when the TM was first officially inaugurated. Some version of this method of celestial contact may have also been used in biblical times when the prophets and teachers of old engaged in inspired contact with divine personalities. This fourth section of the book is solidly rooted in the New Testament story. In one of five papers presented for a consultative panel onThe Urantia Book held at the American Academy of Religion meeting in 1986, Dr. Meredith Sprunger wrote the following about the Jesus Papers: "This superb presentation of the life of Jesus brings life to the sketchy New Testament picture and with it a new authenticity. It has a universal appeal even when it is viewed only as a historical novel for it is unsurpassed in theistic philosophical reasonableness, spiritual insight, and personality appeal. This life of Jesus not only fills in the "hidden years" from twelve to thirty but The Urantia Book gives a picture of his pre-incarnation and post-incarnation experience. It is basically acceptable to all religions, emphasizing the religion of Jesus which is unifying rather than the religion about Jesus which tend to be divisive." The Urantia Book, the Bible, and the New Celestial Teachings Known as the "Teaching Mission" The Urantia Book preaches explicity in favor of establishing a World Government / World Federalism. This is an important topic, because there is already great controversy over 9/11 being used as a springboard for promoting world government agendas by various people: The Urantia Book -- Part IV. The Life And Teachings Of Jesus PAPER 134: Section 6. Law, Liberty, And Sovereignty P1490:4,Ý134:6.1 If one man craves freedom -- liberty -- he must remember that all other men long for the same freedom. Groups of such liberty-loving mortals cannot live together in peace without becoming subservient to such laws, rules, and regulations as will grant each person the same degree of freedom while at the same time safeguarding an equal degree of freedom for all of his fellow mortals. If one man is to be absolutely free, then another must become an absolute slave. And the relative nature of freedom is true socially, economically, and politically. Freedom is the gift of civilization made possible by the enforcement of LAW. P1490:5,Ý134:6.2 Religion makes it spiritually possible to realize the brotherhood of men, but it will require mankind government to regulate the social, economic, and political problems associated with such a goal of human happiness and efficiency. P1490:6,Ý134:6.3 There shall be wars and rumors of wars -- nation will rise against nation -- just as long as the world's political sovereignty is divided up and unjustly held by a group of nation-states. England, Scotland, and Wales were always fighting each other until they gave up their respective sovereignties, reposing them in the United Kingdom. P1490:7,Ý134:6.4 Another world war will teach the so-called sovereign nations to form some sort of federation, thus creating the machinery for preventing small wars, wars between the lesser nations. But global wars will go on until the government of mankind is created. Global sovereignty will prevent global wars -- nothing else can. P1490:8,Ý134:6.5 The forty-eight American free states live together in peace. There are among the citizens of these forty-eight states all of the various nationalities and races that live in the ever-warring nations of Europe. These Americans represent almost all the religions and religious sects and cults of the whole wide world, and yet here in North America they live together in peace. And all this is made possible because these forty-eight states have surrendered their sovereignty and have abandoned all notions of the supposed rights of self-determination. P1490:9,Ý134:6.6 It is not a question of armaments or disarmament. Neither does the question of conscription or voluntary military service enter into these problems of maintaining world-wide peace. If you take every form of modern mechanical armaments and all types of explosives away from strong nations, they will fight with fists, stones, and clubs as long as they cling to their delusions of the divine right of national sovereignty. P1491:1,Ý134:6.7 War is not man's great and terrible disease; war is a symptom, a result. The real disease is the virus of national sovereignty. P1491:2,Ý134:6.8 Urantia nations have not possessed real sovereignty; they never have had a sovereignty which could protect them from the ravages and devastations of world wars. In the creation of the global government of mankind, the nations are not giving up sovereignty so much as they are actually creating a real, bona fide, and lasting world sovereignty which will henceforth be fully able to protect them from all war. Local affairs will be handled by local governments; national affairs, by national governments; international affairs will be administered by global government. P1491:3,Ý134:6.9 World peace cannot be maintained by treaties, diplomacy, foreign policies, alliances, balances of power, or any other type of makeshift juggling with the sovereignties of nationalism. World law must come into being and must be enforced by world government -- the sovereignty of all mankind. P1491:4,Ý134:6.10 The individual will enjoy far more liberty under world government. Today, the citizens of the great powers are taxed, regulated, and controlled almost oppressively, and much of this present interference with individual liberties will vanish when the national governments are willing to trustee their sovereignty as regards international affairs into the hands of global government. P1491:5,Ý134:6.11 Under global government the national groups will be afforded a real opportunity to realize and enjoy the personal liberties of genuine democracy. The fallacy of self-determination will be ended. With global regulation of money and trade will come the new era of world-wide peace. Soon may a global language evolve, and there will be at least some hope of sometime having a global religion -- or religions with a global viewpoint. P1491:6,Ý134:6.12 Collective security will never afford peace until the collectivity includes all mankind. P1491:7,Ý134:6.13 The political sovereignty of representative mankind government will bring lasting peace on earth, and the spiritual brotherhood of man will forever insure good will among all men. And there is no other way whereby peace on earth and good will among men can be realized. Belitsos has made his 9/11-related activities into a channel for his world government ideology. The following is an excerpt from a review of the recent "9/11 Convergence" conference in California: The first speaker was Byron Belitsos, whose Origin Press published *Inside Job*. His vision is "planetary democracy", also referred to as World Federalism. He would like to replace the United Nations with a World Parliament, which would "rule the world democratically". He emphasized that this is in opposition to "the cabal that appears to be running the world" now, which has perpetrated "the New World Order". He described the UN as "a relic of World War II", a loose confederacy of nations historically similar to the condition of the thirteen American states before the Constitution was ratified and the federal government was thereby established as the supreme power in the USA. So now, said Byron, it's time to do the same thing on a world scale. The World Federal Government would have a World Executive, but lest anyone compare such a person to Emperor Bush, Byron assured the audience that the Executive's powers would be strictly limited by a global constitution and Bill of Rights, and would be balanced by the powers of the houses of the World Parliament and courts. In this open, democratic global forum, all the people of the human community could tap into our "common divine Source from which our sovereignty flows". Byron said that terrorism is a symptom of an underlying cause: "global anarchy in a legal sense"; so the true solution is "enforceable global law". This would bring a permanent end to war -- "not just containing it, but abolishing it". He said that the best hope under the present power structure is "world peace via imperial dominion", but that this is "futile". Instead we must "build something that's never existed: planetary democracy". 9/11 Convergence: a Report and Commentary by Joseph Kerrick Belitsos collaborated with Jim Garrison in presenting the 911 Convergence conference. Garrison is the co-founder with Mikhail Gorbachev of the State of the World Forum, which promotes world government, new age religions, and population reduction. Garrison and Gorbachev are both friends and colleages with George Schultz, which is rather interesting given that Garrison is pitching his views as the antithesis or solution to current US foreign policy. Schultz himself played a key role in installing into the Bush Administration the so-called "vulcans" (including Condoleeza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, et al) who have been at the forefront of this "unilateralist" policymaking! Garrison also once held a position at the Esalen Institute, which has extensive connections to US psychological warfare & mind control operations. Note also that Gorbachev is close to George Soros. A brief Garrison bio: Jim Garrison cofounded the State of the World Forum in 1995 with Mikhail Gorbachev. The Forum is a San Francisco-based non-profit institution created to establish a global network of leaders dedicated to those principles, values, and actions necessary to guide humanity toward a more sustainable global civilization. With President Gorbachev as its Convening Chairman and Jim Garrison as its President, the Forum has brought together leaders from around the world to its annual and regional convenings to deliberate upon and take action concerning issues of global concern. Jim's most recent focus, and that of the Forum, has been the Integral Governance Initiative, dedicated to establishing global issue networks to solve global problems. Garrison became active in foreign policy issues, particularly with Soviet-American relations, in the mid-1970s. From 1986 to 1990, he served as Executive Director of the Esalen Institute Soviet American Exchange Program, which engaged in nongovernmental diplomacy with Soviet counterparts in a variety of sectors. In 1991, he founded the International Foreign Policy Association in collaboration with Georgian President Edward Shevardnadze and former Secretary of State George Schultz, focusing on providing humanitarian relief for children in the former Soviet republics. He has also written six books on various aspects of philosophical theology and history, including Civilization and the Transformation of Power (2000) and the most recent America as Empire (2004). Garrison was born in Szechuan Province, China, in 1951 to Baptist missionaries. He lived with his family in Taiwan from 1953 to 1965, after which they settled permanently in San Jose, California. He holds an M.T.S. in Christology and History of Religion from Harvard Divinity School and a Ph.D. in Philosophical Theology from Cambridge University. Another way that Belitsos is using 9/11 as a platform for his world government agenda is through his publishing company, Origin Press. This is a blurb for his upcoming "One Planet", which he has paired with the 9/11 book "Inside Job" by Jim Marrs: Now is the time. You can choose now to commit to the greatest political revolution in historyó-the democratic revolution to create enforceable global law. Ý Ý Ý ÝThis revolution will put an end, once and for all, to the war system that is the greatest scourge facing humankind-óand will regulate globalization to ensure labor rights and environmental protection everywhere in the world. Ý Ý Ý ÝIn this movement, "world peace" is not a vague and utopian goal-óbut a practical, enduring peace with justice. The goal of "One Planet" will be achieved through global laws created by a world legislature and enforced by a peopleís world government. In this future world democracy, the executive branch will be strictly limited by a separation of powers, and by world courts, a world constitution, and a global bill of rights. Some within the Urantia Brotherhood have presented their own research into infiltrations by covert agents and mind control ops. The following site offers very detailed info from such a perspective: A timeline of Urantia history: The following article shows that there are some Urantia followers who have their own doubts about Belitsos: Because Byron is a channeler, and because I have come to the realization that most if not all of the channelers who associate themselves with the Urantia movement and who orbit around it are not full believers in the Urantia revelation, I have asked him on several occasions about his belief in the book. I have asked him if he believes the entire book, and if not, which parts doesnít he believe? He has refused to answer. And Iíve found that to be the case with partial believers in the Urantia Revelation, especially with the channelers, they donít want to answer the question of ìHow much of the Urantia Book do you believe, and if you donít believe it all, which parts donít you believe?î Why do channelers and other partial believers in the Urantia revelation like Saskia Raevouri dislike so much having their partial belief exposed? But isnít it fair that we all know where we stand and that believers should be able to know who out there are quietly letting it be assumed that theyíre believers in the Revelation when theyíre not? Again, whatís wrong with that? While the allegations from Urantia followers concerning infiltration and corruption of their movement are noteworthy, there is also abundant reason to be concerned with the original roots of the Brotherhood and the Urantia Book itself, most importantly given the intimate connections of Urantia's founder William Sadler to the wealthy and notorious Kellogg Family. The Skull and Bones connections of the Kellogg family are very significant, because the modern history of elite mind control and manipulation of cults as a political tool is deeply intertwined with S & B. "Fifteen juniors are tapped each year. Around 2,500 Yale graduates have been members, mostly white males from wealthy Northeastern families: Bush, Bundy, Cheney, Dodge, Ford, Goodyear, Harriman, Heinz, Kellogg, Phelps, Pillsbury, Rockefeller, Taft, Vanderbilt, Weyerhaeuser and Whitney are some of the names on its roster." Biographical references on William Sadler, detailing his links to the Kellogg family. Note also his connection to the founding of the FBI: DR. WILLIAM S. SADLER By Meredith J. Sprunger It was my good fortune to know Dr. William S. Sadler as a personal friend and colleague for more than a decade in the early days of the dissemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book and I was honored to serve as the officiating minister at his Memorial Service. Although Dr. Sadler was an extraordinary person with great talents and diverse experience in serving humankind, he was also a warm and loving person with a great sense of humor. Dr. Sadler's experience throughout life was in many way unique preparing him to serve as a pioneer in the fields of medicine, psychiatry, and religion. As a boy he was not allowed to attend public school, after the death of his sister, because his parents were afraid he too might catch a communicable disease. Thus, he received most of his formal education from his parents, tutors, and through his own initiative. While living in Wabash, Indiana, he spent much time listening to a relative, General McNaught, one time chief of scouts to General U. S. Grant, tell stories about the Civil War. Further exposure to history came from the library of General Lew Wallace, a close neighbor, who at the time was writing Ben Hur. Very early Sadler exhibited public speaking abilities. His first formal speech was given at the age of eight when he addressed a high school commencement in Indianapolis on "The Crucial Battles of History." At fourteen he left home and moved to Battle Creek, Michigan where he started working at the renowned Battle Creek Sanitarium headed by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. Here, before and after work, he attended Battle Creek College and organized a group of students to study rhetoric and Latin. During a visit to Fort Wayne, Indiana the minister of a Christian Church discovered his remarkable knowledge of the Bible and speaking ability and asked him to supply his pulpit during a two week vacation. His preaching was so effective he received many letters of commendation and the local news paper, referring to his unusual abilities, called him "the boy preacher." When Dr. Kellogg's brother, William K. Kellogg, began manufacturing health foods Sadler was employed as a salesman to grocery stores. He was so successful the factory had trouble keeping up with his orders. In 1895 Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, founder of the Chicago Medical Mission, sent Sadler to Chicago as director of the Medical Mission. Here Sadler was engaged in teaching, speaking, and working with "skid row" people. He initiated and edited a magazine which reached a circulation of 150,000 copies and managed a large financial budget. While carrying this heavy work schedule, Sadler also took training at the Moody Bible Institute and graduated with the highest grades in the history of the school. Young Sadler sought training in speech at the University of Chicago and a lady professor after hearing his first speech said, "Get out of here. I can't teach you anything. You're very bad; your gestures are atrocious. But you are so effective I wouldn't change anything about you. I'll ruin you if I change you." Many years later when Dr. Sadler delivered a commencement address at the University of Chicago, she came up afterwards and said, "You're just as bad as ever, but so damn effective. You can just hold an audience spellbound; I'm so glad that we didn't change you." Following his marriage to Leona Kellogg and the death of their first child, both Sadlers enrolled in the Cooper Medical College at San Francisco. While in medical school Sadler was asked to teach Exegetical Theology at the Seventh Day Adventist Seminary in San Francisco. In order to teach, he was required to be ordained in the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Later Sadler financed their medical training in special detective work. Because of his daring and successful exploits as an investigator, he was offered the top executive position in the government agency which became the Federal Bureau of Investigation. After graduation from medical school the Sadlers began their medical practice together. Over the years many people and organizations sought Dr. Sadler's organizational ability. He became a leading figure in the popularization of preventive medicine in the country. In 1911 he gave up surgery to enter into psychiatry and went to Europe to study under Freud. Dr. Sadler served as a professor in the Post Graduate School of Medicine at the University of Chicago and taught a course in Pastoral Counseling at McCormick Theological Seminary for twenty- five years. He was a popular lecturer at Lyceum and Chautauqua meetings and authored forty-two books and many magazine and journal articles. Although Dr. Sadler had an outstanding career as a physician, teacher, speaker, and writer, he considered his most important contribution to our world was his leadership of a little known group called "The Forum" which received the Urantia Papers and published The Urantia Book 12/18/89 ------------------------- Excerpted from Godtalk by Brad Gooch Copyright 2002 by Brad Gooch. "He's Only a Thought Away": Sleuthing The Urantia Book On a snowy Tuesday evening in January 1997, I waited in a sitting room on the second floor of a 1908 residence on Chicago's North Side for the Urantia study group to begin. This four-story home, now the headquarters of the Urantia Foundation, had been lived in for more than a half century by Dr. William Sadler, a respected surgeon and psychiatrist born in 1875. Taking a critical approach as a young man, the doctor had debunked psychics, spiritualists, and channelers as frauds in his popular early books, The Truth about Spiritualism (1923) and The Mind at Mischief (1929). Yet he lives on in thousands of minds as the man responsible for the 2,097-page Urantia Book, which was said to have been transmitted during the early part of the twentieth century by celestial beings through a "contact personality," a reluctant Chicago businessman who to this day remains anonymous. I had come across The Urantia Book in 1995, in the New Age capital of Sedona, Arizona, which was the perfect setting for scripture delivered in a Twilight Zone manner to have found a readership. My two guides on a tour of Sedona's supposed seven "vortices" ó places in the earth believed by many to emit special electromagnetic properties ó revealed themselves along the way to be readers of The Urantia Book. Intrigued by the oddly titled book, I certainly never expected to follow a string of clues that would lead back to the bourgeois home of a respectable- seeming doctor in the middle of that most American of middle-American cities, Chicago. Nor had I expected to discover that cults, or cult- like groups, are a solid part of our American turn-of-the century tradition. Even more surprising was that their adherents were bankers, doctors, and professors, and their wives, who discussed these writings during Sunday picnics at the home of one of their wealthier members in the upper-middle-class suburb of Oak Park, or at Sadler's summer lodge, in Beverly Shores, Indiana. This wacky-sounding project was pointedly neglected in the April 28, 1969, full-column obituary of the ninety-three-year-old Sadler printed in The Chicago Tribune. The obituary's subheadline read, "He Predicted Organ Transplants in 1917," referring to a lecture he'd once given foreseeing a time "not far distant when wealthy people will take mortgages on internal organs of healthy persons and have the organs transplanted into their bodies at the death of the mortgagor." Sadler's other professional credits were duly listed: author of forty-two books on mental hygiene and health; successful medical doctor and public speaker; faculty member at McCormick Theological Seminary; fellow of the American College of Surgeons; attending psychiatrist at Columbus Hospital. Yet there was no mention of The Urantia Book. A separate one- paragraph listing of a memorial service at the Bentley and Son Funeral Home, on North Clark Street, did suggest "a donation to Urantia Foundation" in lieu of flowers. The contradiction at the heart of Sadler's life story remains glaring. He matured as a doctor at a time when science was optimistically valued as having won the debate between faith and reason. His sizable medical practice gave him much respectability, as did his success in public speaking and lecturing around the country on what was known as "the Chautauqua circuit". The circuit was a popular summer education program of concerts and high-profile public lectures begun on Lake Chautauqua in southwest New York State in the late nineteenth century; it grew by the early twentieth century into a national network that had the effect, in pre-TV days, of a cross between public television and the Oprah Winfrey Show. Sadler's self-help book, The Elements of Pep: A Talk on Health and Efficiency (1925), as well as short books on such easily digestible topics as sex, teenage dating, and hygiene, sold extremely well. They were balanced by the publication of respected medical textbooks, including the 1200-page Theory and Practice of Psychology (1936). He was bespectacled, Republican, and patriarchal in appearance, and surrounded by an extended family and many friends who looked up to him as a leader and a breadwinner. Sadler's interests in spiritualism were properly skeptical for the time, and his reputation as one of the few psychiatrists sympathetic with churchgoing folk made him the only practitioner many ministers felt comfortable recommending to troubled members of their midwestern congregations. He was a futurist and a dabbler. Yet his was a public face that is certainly difficult ó then and now ó to reconcile with the sorts of interplanetary, crypto-scientific, and post-Thomistic theological claims mulled over at length in the singular Urantia Book. Since Sadler himself concealed much activity?either duplicitous or divine, depending on interpretation?it seemed fitting that his Frommann & Jebsen?designed residence at 533 Diversey Parkway was likewise not as bourgeois as might at first appear. Described in the AIA Guide to Chicago as "this grand flat, the star of this graceless southside stretch of Diversey Parkway," the building's official-looking stone exterior is delightfully fronted by a balcony protected with a metal railing and lavish ornaments that recall the more flamboyant Art Nouveau and Jugendstil styles of their time. Its pixilated architectural details are unusual on an urban stretch now filled with tanning parlors, supermarkets, and a Starbucks coffee shop. "Doctor," as he was affectionately known, moved into this home in 1912 with his wife, Dr. Lena Kellogg Sadler, setting in motion all sorts of nocturnal and weekend activities to match the pace of his daily routine. He slipped an enticing hint as to what these extracurricular activities consisted of into the appendix to his Mind at Mischief, a best-seller published by Funk and Wagnalls in which he treated most matters credited to the supernatural as actually influenced by subconscious drives. Sadler confessed there that he'd been introduced to an individual in the summer of 1911 who was an apparent exception to his thesis, and that he had been present at two-hundred-fifty night sessions recorded by a stenographer: "This man is utterly unconscious, wholly oblivious to what takes place, and, unless told about it subsequently, never knows that he has been used as a sort of clearing house for the coming and going of alleged extra-planetary personalities." The doctor reassured his readers that the message being received was "essentially Christian and is, on the whole, entirely harmonious with the known scientific facts and truths of this age." On my first visit to the house, I felt as if I'd been dropped onto a Parker Brothers Clue game board, with its musty library and wistful drawing room, a stack of hidden motives, and, most definitely, an atmosphere of unsolved mystery. In this eccentric building, Sadler allegedly had investigated the transcriptions of his contact personality ó reputed by some to be a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, by others to be Sadler's own brother-in-law and office manager, Wilfred Kellogg. After about twenty years of serving as a human radio, the contact's broadcasts evolved into the 196 finished papers that often arrived handwritten by his bedside ó with no witnesses present during the procedure. Starting in 1923, a middlebrow salon of about thirty doctors, professors, and interested friends, known as "the Forum," formed around Sadler to hear these messages. They had convened for decades in the carpeted sitting room where I was waiting on that snowy evening for our meeting to begin. Sitting at a seminar-style table with a half-dozen veteran Urantia Book readers, I glanced occasionally through the room's tall windows toward a residential cross street lined with a few remaining gray stone buildings, elegant two-flat houses, and the bare sticks of trees. The last person with a strong memory of Sadler and the early history of the Forum, Helen Carlson, had just died a week earlier, at the age of ninety-two. The sister-in-law of Sadler's son, William Sadler Jr., Ms. Carlson moved into the third floor of the building in 1935 and stayed on doing clerical work until her death. In a deposition taken in this room in 1994 - as part of a defense against a suit claiming that the Urantia Foundation had no right to copyright materials authored by extraterrestrials - Carlson broke down as she told how her sister had invited her to join the Forum in September 1935 to learn about the papers: "Being a sister, she wanted me to know about them. I'm sorry . . . too many memories." These accumulated papers on various topics were eventually collected in what became known as The Urantia Book. Carlson recalled how they would set up fifty folding chairs for an audience to listen to Dr. Sadler or his son read from the papers typed on yellow sheets. The Forum members would then serve as a focus group, submitting questions to the celestials for further clarification (this transfer of information between the earthlings and the extraterrestrials was never entirely explained) by dropping them into either a fishbowl or a basket resting on a chest of drawers in the center of the room. End of excerpt from Godtalk by Brad Gooch Plagiarism in Urantia Book: The Kellogg family played a notorious role in the promotion of eugenics, including founding the Race Betterment Foundation: William Sadler wrote numerous books on the topic of "mental hygiene". The concept of "mental hygiene" was a spinoff of the eugenics movement; the Mental Hygiene Society which originated at Yale in 1908 (Yale was also the home of the American Eugenics Society), and which later was directed by Prescott Bush, eventually evolved into a core component of the CIA's MK-ULTRA mind-control project. Some possibly interesting connections of two of the institutions in Belitsos' educational background: The California Institute of Integral Studies, where Belitsos did some of his graduate studies, recieved major funding from the late Laurance Rockefeller. CIIS also has some close ties with Esalen, whose founder Michael Murphy has helped to fund CIIS. The Naropa Institute has recently been the recipient of a land grant at the Baca Estate, a new age mecca in Colorado owned by Canadian oilman and Rockefeller ally Maurice Strong (who originally acquired the land from Adnan Khashoggi, incidentally).

THE NATION's NED Connection—part 1

THE NATION's NED Connection—part 1 by bob feldman "Bill vanden Heuvel suggested that the Freedom Award be given to General Powell for the new role of the military in these efforts. Leo Cherne referred Mr. vanden Heuvel's suggestions to the Special Events Committee for consideration. He expressed his hesitancy at this point to address issues of the war itself, beyond the expression of applause for the military's humanitarian work..." —from the International Rescue Committee [IRC] Board's May 22, 1991 Meeting Minutes ...The National Endowment for Democracy [NED] was set up to "support democratic institutions throughout the world through private, nongovernmental efforts."... Allen Weinstein, who helped draft the legislation establishing NED was quite candid when he said in 1991: "A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA." In effect, the CIA has been laundering money through NED. ...NED successfully manipulated elections in Nicaragua in 1990 and Mongolia in 1996 and helped to overthrow democratically elected governments in Bulgaria in 1990 and Albania in 1991 and 1992. In Haiti in the late 1990s, NED was busy working on behalf of right-wing groups who were united in their opposition to former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his progressive ideology... ...Cuban dissident groups and media are heavily supported...Between 1990 and 1997, the Endowment donated a quarter-million dollars of taxpayers' money to the Cuban-American National Fund, the ultra-fanatic anti-Castro Miami group... The NED, like the CIA before it, calls what it does supporting democracy. The governments and movements whom the NED targets call it destabilization. (ROGUE STATE by William Blum, 2000) The editor of THE NATION, Katrina vanden Heuvel, is also a member of the board of directors of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute [FERI]. Her father, International Rescue Committee [IRC] Board Member William vanden Heuvel, has, in recent years been both the co-chairperson of the FERI board and FERI's president. Sitting between NATION Editor Vanden Heuvel and IRC Board Member Vanden Heuvel on the FERI board recently has been the Texaco director that Bill Clinton appointed to be the National Endowment for Democracy [NED] Chairman in the 1990s: NYU President Emeritus John Brademas. FERI Director Brademas held his position as NED Chairman between 1993 and 2001; and on January 18, 2001, FERI Board Member Brademas was presented with the NED's "Democracy Service Medal" in recognition for his years of service on the NED board of directors. Prior to serving as NYU's president between 1981 and 1992, FERI board member Brademas was a Congressional representative from South Bend, Indiana for 22 years. According to CURRENT BIOGRAPHY, in October 1976 the former NED Chairman "acknowledged that he had accepted about $5,000 in campaign funds in 1970, 1972 and 1974 from Park Tong Sun, the Washington party fixture under federal investigation for influence-peddling" in the "Koreagate Affair." As NYU's president, FERI Board Member Brademas also was the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a director of the Rockefeller Foundation, the New York Stock Exchange, Scholastic Inc., Loew's Corp., RCA/NBC and Texaco. While a member of the Texaco board of directors before Texaco was acquired by Chevron in 2001, NATION editor Vanden Heuvel's colleague on the FERI board sat on both the "Audit Committee" and the "Public Responsibility Committee" of Texaco's corporate board. Other members of these Texaco board committees included then-Capital cities/ABC board chairman Thomas Murphy and a retired chairman of the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff, William Crowe. A long-time colleague of FERI Board Co-Chair William vanden Heuvel on the IRC board--the now-deceased former CIA Director William Casey--used to also sit on the Capital Cities/ABC board. FERI Board Member Brademas also was the chairman of the Texaco Foundation during the 1990s. In July 1999 a subsidiary of Texaco, Saudi Arabian Texaco Inc., was given a $506 million award by the United Nations "for damage sustained in Middle East oil fields" during the early 1990s. The $506 million that was given to Texaco's subsidiary came from a "UN Compensation Committe" account--which was funded by seizing 30 percent of Iraqi oil sales revenues, instead of allowing the Iraqi government to use all of its oil sales revenues to decrease the human suffering in Iraq that U.S. economic sanctions and U.S. militarism have produced there since 1991. But according to its web site, in Iraq the NED which FERI Board Member Brademas used to chair "supports institutions--both abroad and inside the country--which promote concepts and programs of liberal democracy." A $40,000 grant, for instance, was given by the NED in 2001 to the "American Society for Kurds," which "trained journalists in the rights, duties and role of journalists in democratic societies, and helped in the formation of a working group of independent journalists." In 2001, the NED also has been providing money to groups in Belgrade. Radio-Television B-92, for instance, was given a $100,000 grant by the NED; and a $228,000 grant from the NED was given to the Otpon (Resistance] Movement. Around $760,000 in grants were also given in 2001 by the NED to groups like the "Center for a Free Cuba," the "Cuban Committee for Human Rights," the "Cuban-American Military Council," the "Information Bureau on Human Rights in Cuba" and "Cuba Net." "Cuba Net," for instance, was given a $35,000 grant from the NED "to support independent journalists inside of Cuba." to part 2...THE NATION's NED Connection—part 2 by bob feldman One of the co-chairs of the January 18, 2001 National Endowment for Democracy [NED] event in which Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute [FERI] Board Member Brademas received his "Democracy Service Medal"--former Reagan Administration Deputy Secretary of State John Whitehead--is, like Brademas, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. And, like NATION Editor vanden Heuvel's father, the January 18, 2001 NED event Co-chair Whitehead has long been actively involved in the International Rescue Committee[IRC]'s activities around the globe. On May 4, 1984, for instance, Whitehead (who was also a Senior Partner at Goldman Sachs at the time) sent the following telegram to then-Vice President George Bush I: "Dear George: "I thought I should let you know that I will also be in Pakistan from May 14 [1984] to May 18 [1984] in my capacity as president of the International Rescue Committee...I have an appointment with President Zia and other Cabinet memebers...If I can assist you in any way or coordinate visits with you I would be delighted to do so." And on May 18, 1984, then-IRC president Whitehead sent the following telex to then-IRC Chairperson Leo Cherne: "Our time in Pakistan only serves to renew our dedication to the heroic cause of the Afghan people...We have stood with President Zia and Vice President Bush at the Khyber Pass..." After former CIA Director Bush had become the U.S. president and ordered the 1991 high-technology aerial attack on Iraq, Whitehead and Cherne also sent an April 12, 1991 letter to then-President Bush I, on IRC stationery, which stated: "The IRC is the first American private voluntary agency to have begun the work of helping these victims of the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein." In the 1980s, the long-time IRC colleague of NATION Editor vanden Heuvel's father, IRC Chairperson Cherne, was also a colleague of Henry Kissinger on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board [Pfiab]. In addition, Cherne also asked Kissinger to appeal for more corporate funds for the IRC. In a September 3, 1986 letter to Leo Cherne, Kissinger Associates Chairperson Henry Kissinger wrote: "Dear Leo: "Your August 18th [1986] letter did reach its destination, and while I am sorry to hear of the circumstances under which the IRC has been operating, it will be an honor to help in any way. I will await your draft. "Looking forward to seeing you at PFIAB. "Warm regards, "Henry A. Kissinger." An article by Jeff Gerth and Sara Bartlett that appeared in the April 30, 1989 issue of the NY TIMES, entitled "Kissinger and Friends and Revolving Doors," characterized the PFIAB as "a little-known, but powerful group" of 16 scientists, business executives and former U.S. government officials which advise the U.S. President about intelligence issues and intelligence activities. According to this TIMES article, during the 1980s IRC Board member Kissinger "had a continuous window into the government's most sensitive information as a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board or Pfiab." At least one former PFIAB official, "who asked not to be identified because of the board's secrecy pledge," told the TIMES that during the 1980s Kissinger, "using his authority as a board member, frequently reviewed intelligence documents outside the regular board meetings." The former PFIAB official also told the TIMES that he believed Kissinger's PFIAB membership gave Kissinger special business benefit because Kissinger "could not have separated the insights gained from his access to United States intelligence data from his continuing analysis and advice" to his Kissinger Associates clients. In reply to Kissinger's September 3, 1986 letter, IRC Chairperson Cherne wrote: "Dear Henry: "I am so pleased that you are willing to send an IRC appeal to the chief executives of the Fortune 1000 corporations...Although I will have a copy of the draft with me when we met at PFIAB, I thought there was a possibility that draft might reach you before just in case you wish to make any changes in the text. "Cordially, "Leo Cherne." Like the National Endowment for Democracy, the International Rescue Committee (on whose board FERI Co-Chairperson vanden Heuvel still sits) apparently supported the political opponents of the Sandinista government, as well as opponents of the Cuban government. As the IRC's Latin America Advisory Committee noted in a 9/22/93 annual review document: "In Nicaragua with the election of Violet Chamorro in 1990, democracy took fragile hold and IRC assisted with the repatriation of Nicaraguans...The Committee recommends appropriate support be given to Brothers to the Rescue, an organization rescuing Cuban refugees fleeing the country on rafts." Although Harry Belafonte has worked to provide humanitarian aid to refugees in Africa and elsewhere for many years, IRC officials apparently didn't want to invite Belafonte to become one of its "celebrity" board members. In an October 26, 1994 letter to the then-chairman of the IRC's executive committee, James Strickland, long-time IRC official Leo Cherne indicated why he didn't want Harry Belafonte to be an IRC board member: "I happen to have some reservations about Belafonte. I have found him, in certain circumstances, beyond my tastes for the elements of left wing predisposition. He played a significant relief role in Ethiopia at a time when Ethiopia was under the control of the left wing dictator Mengistu, at the very time that the Castro military forces were playing an active support role in Ethiopia..." But a few months later, Cherne was still apparently on good political terms with FERI Co-Chair vanden Heuvel. In a February 14, 1995 letter to the NATION editor's father, former IRC Chairperson Cherne wrote: "I deeply appreciate your having encouraged Columbia University's oral history project to press me on overcoming my neglect...The effort you have made to encourage funding of this project is indispensable..." As Co-Chair of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute [FERI]'s board of directors, NATION editor vanden Heuvel's father apparently joined FERI Chair Emeritus Arthur Schlesinger Jr. in attempting to influence U.S. media coverage of former U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's historical record. In an article that appeared in the May 9, 1994 issue of CURRENT, entitled "FDR defenders enlist TV critics to refute Holocaust film," Karen Everhart Bedfort noted: Weeks before the debut of an AMERICAN EXPERIENCE film on the U.S. resposne to the Holocaust, defenders of President Franklin Roosevelt undertook a quiet campaign to influence and later discredit historical analysis presented in "America and the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference." In a summary of their complaints for the press, [FERI Chair Emeritus] Schlesinger and vanden Heuvel said the film makes "unwarranted attacks on President Roosevelt" in its treatment of his response to the Wagner-Rogers Act in 1939, a bill to allow child refugees into the country that died in Congress; his motivations in creating the War Refugee Board as an act of "political expedience," and assertions that the Allies should not have hesitated to bomb the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz. Roosevelt "did what he could do" to help the Jews, Schlesinger wrote in an April 18 [1994] NEWSWEEK column. Yet according to A PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES by Howard Zinn: "The plight of Jews in German-occupied Europe, which many people thought was at the heart of the war against the Axis, was not a chief concern of Roosevelt. Henry Feingold's research (THE POLITICS OF RESCUE) shows that, while the Jews were being put in camps and the process of annihilation was beginning that would end in the horrifying extermination of 6 million Jews and millions of non-Jews, Roosevelt failed to take steps that might have saved thousands of lives. He did not see it as a high priority; he left it to the State Department, and in the State Department anti-Semitism and a cold bureaucracy became obstacles to action. ...Despite the urgent need for wartime labor, blacks were still being discriminated against for jobs...Roosevelt never did anything to enforce the orders of the Fair Employment Practices Commission he had set up... In one of its policies, the United States came close to direct duplication of Fascism. This was in its treatment of the Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast. After the Pearl Harbor attack, anti-Japanese hysteria spread in the government... Franklin D. Roosevelt did not share this frenzy, but he calmly signed Executive Order 9066, in February 1942, giving the army the power, without warrants or indictments or hearings, to arrest every Japanese-American on the West Coast--110,000 men, women and children--to take them from their homes, transport them to camps far into the interior, and keep them there under prison conditions. Three-fourths of these were Nisei--children born in the United States of Japanese parents and therefore American citizens... But don't expect THE NATION to publish much investiative reporting about either the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, the National Endowment for Democracy or the International Rescue Committee's corporate and political connections or global activities--as long as FERI Board Member Katrina vanden Heuvel is still THE NATION magazine's editor. (end)

Friday, July 13, 2012

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Posts Tagged ‘bob feldman’

The Nation Magazine and the CIA
by stuartbramhall in Challenging the Corporate Media, Things That Aren't What They Seem
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Bob Feldman’s unraveling of the indirect CIA funding received by the Nation and Radio Nation is the most instructive in demonstrating how “pass-through” funding works (see According to their tax returns, the Nation Institute receives major funding from the MacArthur Foundation and the J. M. Kaplan Family Foundation. Both, according to Frances Stoner Saunders (Who Paid the Piper?: the CIA and the Cultural Cold War), have a history of accepting CIA “pass-through” funding and collaborating with them on cold war projects. The Nation also also has an interesting relationship with a third left gatekeeping foundation the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute (FERI), in that publisher, editor and part owner Katrina van den Heuvel serves on the FERI governing board and her father, William vanden Heuvel, on the board of directors. FERI, like its namesake Eleanor Roosevelt has always pursued a clear mandate of supporting the development of anti-communist “parallel left” political groups.
Nation editor Katrina van den Heuvel

Nation editor Katrina van den Heuvel

Moreover William van den Heuvel himself has well-established intelligence credentials, as a protege and executive assistant to “Wild Bill” Donovan, the founder and director of OSS (Office of Strategic Services). The OSS, which oversaw intelligence operations during World War II, became the CIA in 1947. In 1953-54 van den Heuvel accompanied Donovan to Thailand, where he served as ambassador (and lead CIA agent) to Thailand. Later as executive assistant to Robert Kennedy, van den Heuvel was the architect of the Kennedy administration’s staunch anti-Castro policy.

Other Left Gatekeepers Funding Alternative Media

Here is a brief summary of “alternative” media outlets that Feldman has linked to foundations the Church Committee identified as receiving CIA pass-through funding (see It is also of note that they all systematically marginalize journalistic and academic research into 911 and CIA-linked political assassinations.

Feldman’s co-author Eric Salter has drawn up a more detailed flow sheet demonstrating these complex inter-relationships at

MacArthur Foundation

The Progressive
Working Assets Radio

Rockefeller Foundation

The Progressive
Working Assets Radio

Carnegie Foundation

Democracy Now!

J. M. Kaplan Family Foundation

Democracy Now!

Soros Family Foundation

Pacifica Radio
The Nation

Although Soros himself has no known CIA connections, he’s strongly linked to the military industrial complex as a major stockholder in Bush senior’s Carlyle Group and through his direct funding of “color” revolutions in Eastern Europe.

Schumann Foundation

Mother Jones
Z Magazine

Run for many years by “progressive-lite” Bill Moyers, the Schuman Foundation (as evidenced by the projects it funds) has a rabidly pro-capitalist agenda. According to Feldman, Moyers himself, has engaged in some pretty anti-progressive behavior, such as orchestrating (as Lyndon Johnson’s press secretary) the wiretapping of Martin Luther King and leaking the transcripts to the media. And his heavy promotion of the rabid anti-Semite and Holocaust denier Joseph Campbell on PBS (see,, and

Feldman notes that the alternative magazine Counterpunch receives no direct left gatekeeper funding, although one of their editors is on the Nation payroll (which does).

To be continued.
The Ford Foundation and the CIA
by stuartbramhall in Challenging the Corporate Media, Things That Aren't What They Seem
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Attorney General Robert Kennedy was the first, in 1967, to investigate the use of the Ford Foundation and other foundations as “conduits,” “pass-throughs,” and “fronts” to disguise CIA funding for domestic operations (it’s technically illegal for the CIA to operate on US soil under federal law). The investigation ended with Bobby Kennedy’s assassination in 1968 but in 1976 was taken up by the Church Committee, a Senate Select Committee formed in the aftermath of Watergate. The Church Committee found that between 1963-1966, 164 foundations gave out 700 grants over $10,000. Of these, 108 involved partial or complete funding by the CIA (Frances Stoner Saunders, Who Paid the Piper?: the CIA and the Cultural Cold War)

Saunder’s work was the first, in an impressive body of research by progressive academics and investigative journalists:

Who Paid the Piper?: the CIA and the Cultural Cold War (1999) by British historian and journalist Frances Stonor Saunders
Foundations and Public Policy: The Mask of Pluralism (2003) by New Hampshire political science professor Joan Roelof
The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex (2007) by Incite! Women of Color Against Violence
The Shock Doctrine (2007) by Canadian author and social activist Naomi Klein
Towers of Deception: the Media Cover-up of 911 (2006) by Canadian journalist, documentary producer and political activist Barry Zwicker
Barack H. Obama: the Unauthorized Biography (2008) by historian and journalist Webster Tarpley

CIA Funding of Alternative Media

Most of the research into left gatekeeping foundations involves the funding of so-called alternative media outlets, largely based on information derived from tax returns. The most prolific writer in this area is Massachusetts-based investigative journalist Bob Feldman. Feldman published the bulk of his research in a paper in Critical Sociology “Report from the Field: Left Media and Left Think Tanks – Foundation-Managed Protest?” Although Critical Sociology charges a fee to download this paper, Feldman and others have republished excerpts elsewhere on the Internet. Edward Ulrich published a helpful digest of Feldman’s work in March 2011 at his blog “News of Interest” at

The History of CIA/Ford Foundation Collaboration

Feldman starts ( by recapping the history Frances Sanders lays out in Who Paid the Piper?: the CIA and the Cultural Cold War).

The Ford Foundation was created in 1936 from the immense Ford family fortune. Historically its governance and mission has been conservative and pro-corporate, in line with its namesake Henry Ford, a rabid anti-Semite who admired Adolph Hitler and helped finance his rise to power.

The Internation Jew by Henry Ford

The International Jew by Henry Ford


The CIA-Ford Foundation collaboration began in 1953, when John McCloy, another Nazi sympathizer, because the director of the Ford Foundation. McCloy’s corporate credentials include serving as chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, Westinghouse, AT&T, Allied Chemical and United Fruit Company. As a lawyer, he served as chief counsel to Standard Oil of New Jersey, Mobil, Texaco and Gulf I.G. Farben (German chemical company that was Hitler’s primary German sponsor and which developed the nerve gas used in the mass executive of European Jews). Mcloy watched the 1936 Berlin Olympics from Hitler’s box seat and as the Assistant Secretary of War, blocked Jewish immigration to the US, as well as the bombing of railroads leading to Nazi concentration camps. As High Commissioner of Germany following the war, he pardoned a large majority of Nazi war criminals and assisted in their secret repatriation in the US and South America. Finally in 1963-64 he served on the Warren Commission, which like the 911 Commission, played a critical role covering up FBI, CIA and Pentagon involvement in the JFK assassination.

McCloy publicly advocated for the Ford Foundation to cooperate with the CIA. He argued that open collaboration was a better alternative than having the Agency secretly infiltrate the Foundation’s lower echelons and subvert their work. McCloy also chaired a three man committee that had to be consulted every time the CIA wanted to use the Foundation as a pass-through.

Ford Foundation archives reveal a raft of joint Foundation-CIA projects. The most prominent of these CIA fronts are the Eastern European Fund, the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and International Rescue Committee (where William van den Heuvel, father of Nation editor and publisher Katrina van den Heuvel, was a long time board member). The Ford Foundation has also been the primary funder of two secret elite planning groups, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.

Alternative Media Outlets Funded by the Ford Foundation

According to Feldman, the so-called alternative media outlets receiving Ford Foundation funding (based on their tax returns) include:

Democracy Now!
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) and their radio program Counterspin
Working Assets Radio
The Progressive
Mother Jones
South End Press (Z Magazine)
Alternative Radio
Ms. Magazine
Political Research Associates (run by rabid anti-conspiracist Chip Berlet)

As Feldman points out, each of these outlets has systematically marginalized independent researchers who have systematically studied 9-11 and the JFK and other political assassinations. Feldman currently blogs at “Where’s the Change?”

To be continued.

Secrecy and Deception

CIA front foundations Who funds the official left?

Selected Moments of the 20th Century

A work in progress edited by Daniel Schugurensky
Department of Adult Education and Counselling Psychology,
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT)

Church Committee reveals CIA operations in universities

This year, a special Committee set up by the U.S. Senate reported the findings of an investigation on alleged links between academia and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The 'Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities' was also known as the 'Church Committee' because it was led by Senator Frank Church (A Democrat from Idaho). For over a year, the Church Committee investigated more than 100 universities that were purported to have CIA officials on staff.

At that time, it was suspected that the CIA had departed from its original mission of gathering intelligence and was conducting secret operations of various kinds. This included plots to destabilize foreign governments and to assassinate foreign leaders, and conducting unethical and illegal activities like the administration of LSD to unsuspecting citizens to tests it effects or the Watergate scandal (Zinn 1980). The Senate Church Committee investigation reported that in some years the CIA spent about 80 percent of its budget for covert operations - while at the same time claiming an improbable small covert action budget (McGehee 1983).

The fact that the CIA had developed secret relationships with academics was already well known in some social sciences circles of developing countries as a result of Project Camelot. This project, which operated since the mid-1960s, was basically organized espionage under the disguise of sociological research (Herman 1998). Horowitz (1967) described it as a military counterinsurgency project funded by the CIA with a first year budget of eight million dollars that envisioned an alliance of the Pentagon and the academic community. The Camelot Project was active in Africa (especially Senegal and Nigeria) in Asia (mainly in India, Vietnam, and Laos) and in Latin America (particularly in Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, and Venezuela).

The Church Report to the US Senate clearly showed that the clandestine connections between the CIA and the academic community were not only occurring in faraway countries, but also in US universities. On Book I of document, dated April 1976, the Church Commission stated the following:

The Central Intelligence Agency has long-developed clandestine relationships with the American academic community, which range from academics making introductions for intelligence purposes to intelligence collection while abroad, to academic research and writing where CIA sponsorship is hidden.

The Central Intelligence Agency is now using several hundred American academics ("academics" includes administrators, faculty members and graduate students engaged in teaching), who in addition to providing leads and, on occasion, making introductions for intelligence purposes, occasionally write books and other material to be used for propaganda purposes abroad. Beyond these, an additional few are used in an unwitting manner for minor activities.

These academics are located in over 100 American colleges, universities, and related institutes. At the majority of institutions, no one other than the individual concerned is aware of the CIA link. At the others, at least one university official is aware of the operational use made of academics on his campus. In addition, there are several American academics abroad who serve operational purposes, primarily the collection of intelligence.

Although the numbers are not as great today as in 1966, there are no prohibitions to prevent an increase in the operational use of academics. The size of these operations is determined by the CIA…

…The Committee is disturbed both by the present practices of operationally using American academics and by the awareness that the restraints on expanding this practice are primarily those of sensitivity to the risks of disclosure and not an appreciation of dangers to the integrity of individuals and institutions. The Committee believes that it is the responsibility of private institutions and particularly the American academic community to set the professional and ethical standards of its members.

Although not much is known yet about the real extent of CIA involvement in academia during the late 20th century because many documents are still classified, the evidence provided by the Church Report is alarming enough. It is now known that the CIA funded centers at higher education institutions like MIT, Harvard, and Columbia. It is also known that there was a heavy CIA presence, usually through Foundations like Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller, in the development of international studies and area studies on many U.S. campuses (Simpson 1998). Furthermore, some documents recently released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal that in the 1950s the American Anthropological Association (AAA) entered into covert relationships with the CIA. Anthropologist David Pierce (2000) notes that such relationships included establishing a liaison position between the Association and the CIA, and secretly providing the CIA with a detailed list of the Association's membership detailing individuals' backgrounds and areas of expertise.

As the members of the Church Commission pointed out, these practices are deeply disturbing and alarming, and it is the responsibility of the academic community to set the professional and ethical standards of its members. The problem is that it is very difficult -if not impossible- to ensure such standards if these secret practices are unknown to the academic community, as no one other than the individual concerned is aware of the link.


Herman, Hellen. "Project Camelot and the Career of Cold War Psychology." In Christopher Simpson (ed.) Universities and Empire: Money and Politics in the Social Sciences during the Cold War, (New York: The New Press, 1998, pp. 97-133.

Horowitz, Irving (ed.)., The Rise and Fall of Project Camelot. M.I.T. Press, 1967.

Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri. The CIA and American Democracy. New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 1989.

McGehee, Ralph. Deadly Deceits. Sheridan Square Press,1983.

Price, David. The American Anthropological Association and the CIA? Anthropology News, November 2000, pp. 13-14

Simpson, Christopher, ed. Universities and Empire: Money and Politics in the Social Sciences During the Cold War. New York: The New Press, 1998.

The Church Committee on the CIA in Academia

Zinn, Howard (1980). A People's History of the United States. Harper, pp. 543-544.

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Last updated on September 07, 2004.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
Maoist Internationalist Movement

CIA and the role of the left-wing of parasitism in the 1950s and 1960s

*See also, "China Quarterly editor admits CIA funding"
*See also, "Alfred G Meyer, a proud creator of revisionism"
*See also, "The Connection among Trotsky's theories of uneven development, imperialism and the Comintern"
*See also, "MIMers, you are lucky to live in a free country."
*Return to our page on the so-called left in general

Frances Stonor Saunders has provided some historical details on the CIA's intervention into academia in the 1950s and 1960s that we review here. On the whole, our difficulty with the account is that it can become part of a recruiting war for the CIA. It mentions interventions in Iran and Chile in passing and because of the adept focus of the book, readers may get the wrong idea about the CIA as just some self- deluded intellectuals.

In some instances of details, we are also not certain--as in the suggestion that CIA managed to infiltrate the writers' organization PEN successfully. It might be good to ask who has not infiltrated PEN. We have to watch out for situations where a slight CIA association has been manufactured in order to discredit someone--disinformation. We have seen not just PEN, but people such as Kwame Nkrumah mentioned by others, through a loose sort of approach. For that matter, CIA has met Al-Qaeda, which is relevant when Bush & Cheney claim that Saddam Hussein's regime met with Al-Qaeda. The CIA ties to Al-Qaeda were much deeper than Saddam Hussein's. Beyond that, relevance depends on timing and depth of contacts. MIM looks for evidence of willing service or change of political line from what we would otherwise expect without CIA intervention. Anyone in the united $tates who deals seriously in international issues is going to bump into spies. This cannot tarnish everyone. MIM is also infiltrated by spies. The question is whether they have altered the line against the interests of the exploited. Much of what has been acknowledged below has been touched on at least tangentially by other sources.

As the Cold War recedes, writers get a chance to catch up with how the united $tates conducted purges in the political and cultural fields to oppose communism. Frances Stonor Saunders's book de-emphasizes all the CIA-sponsored bloody coups against majority-supported governments to talk about CIA as a propaganda organ. Although the McCarthyite purges were long well- known, it is now clear that after McCarthyism, the CIA functioned as a mirror-image of the global party it imagined to exist centered at the Soviet Union. The CIA ended up owning several academic journals including "Partisan Review," "Kenyon Review," "Hudson Review," "Sewanee Review," "Poetry," "The Journal of the History of Ideas" and "Daedalus," running several well-known publishing houses, editing Hollywood movies for propaganda impact and censoring anti- Amerikkkan articles at its flagship British asset "Encounter." In all of this, the role of what MIM calls the left-wing of parasitism was pivotal. CIA consciously pursued those called "left of center" or "non- Communist left." In practice, this meant anyone who did not support Stalin was a target of CIA alliance. This point is now in denial by self-interested writers at "The Nation" and other milquetoast organizations who went along with the CIA all the while issuing denials of communist "paranoia."

After World War II, Frances Stonor Saunders informs readers that British intelligence was the first to come up with the general strategy: "One of IRD's most important early advisers was the Hungarian-born writer Arthur Koestler. Under his tutelage, the department realized the usefulness of accommodating those people and institutions, who, in the tradition of left-wing politics, broadly perceived themselves to be in opposition to the centre of power. The purpose of such accommodation was twofold: first, to acquire a proximity to 'progressive' groups in order to monitor their activities; secondly, to dilute the impact of these groups by achieving influence from within, or by drawing its members into a parallel--and subtly less radical--forum."(1)

Writers with a similar temperament as Koestler played a pivotal role in the CIA's work. Those youth who have already read Koestler, Lasky, Raymond Aron and Sidney Hook should now know they were reading the official CIA line, supported with CIA money through the purchase of periodicals and books and the running of lavish conferences and social events. The most famous polemics one could read against communism had the CIA behind them. Those of us innoculated against this disease founded the MIM in the 1980s.

The facts about the CIA's functioning as a virtual anti-communist party gradually became exposed starting in the mid-1960s. The CIA even instructed people on how to lie regarding ties to the secret party that was the CIA. Among the liars are famous neo-conservative founder of today Irving Kristol who along with Lasky sent a letter to the New York Times denying what is today undisputed truth about the Congress for Cultural Freedom--that it was a large CIA front into the mid- 1960s.(2) In Irving Kristol we have one persyn encapsulating much of what MIM says-- a Trotskyist in 1940, a CIA agent in the 1950s and then the founder of neo-conservatism today. Underlying it all was the consistent belief that U.$.-exported capitalism brings progress to the Third World, and denial of Lenin's theses on parasitism and uneven development.

While fighting for "freedom," the U.S. Government did everything it said its enemies did. Had it stopped at funding conferences and social events, CIA intervention would have been no different than the Soviet social- imperialist interventions, but of course, the U.S. Government had power to go further. Here is just a short list of the most stunning items MIM encountered:

FBI Director Hoover told Little, Brown not to publish Howard Fast's "Spartacus," and they backed out. CIA had extensive ties to publishers including famous textbook publishers and none of Little, Brown's competitors published it.(3) Of course it helps when CIA is also a major purchaser that cannot be ignored.

The US Information Agency came under instructions to remove all pro-communist and "fellow traveller" books from its foreign libraries--30,000 different books total.(4)

The State Department ordered that all communist and "fellow traveller" art not be shown at State Department sponsored art exhibitions.(5)

A CIA agent producer at Paramount in Hollywood edited and changed countless scenes in movies to make Amerika look better.(6) Of special concern was the portrayal of Blacks that Stalin had made hay on.

For that matter, FBI long ago started creating its own Hollywood films.(7)

In other words, in fighting genuine communism, the imperialists marketed "freedom" and did not deliver. We communists did not deliver it either, but we did deliver guaranteed health-care, shelter, food and jobs--to double life expectancies in China and the USSR. We followers of Stalin and Mao carried out open dictatorship, while the rich people of Amerika settled for false phrases about freedom.

The Marxist theory says that while there is a state there will be repression, because various social groups will seize it to oppress other social groups. So the only way to stop that and achieve freedom is by eliminating classes and similar social groups. By giving everyone a job, shelter etc., the USSR and Mao's China made steps toward a situation where people would have no profit motivations for political repression of others. In sum, the communist movement delivered freedom for some who did not have it before and also repressed others, but what the communist movement did that its opponents did not do is make steps toward the removal of the underlying causes and motivations for repression.

The CIA and other imperialists really only succeeded by spreading money around. It bought grass-tips leaders with salaries and purchases of books and periodicals in runs of the tens of thousands. In some thousands of cases, CIA paid for publication of a book. Roderick MacFarquhar's 1960 book at Praeger about Mao's China titled One Hundred Flowers was a case in point.(8) MacFarquhar became an oft- cited authority in the media and chair of Harvard's "Government Department"--an example of a worthwhile CIA investment.

So CIA success in the 1950s and 1960s stemmed not so much from "freedom" but selective purchasing and also the ease of showing off Amerika as the richest country in the world. The CIA strategy is not a winner for the world as a whole. It cannot make everyone an anti- communist by giving every citizen of the world a CIA-funded journal to run to oppose communism. Quite the contrary, the U.$. wealth that CIA was showing off and using depended on exploitation of the Third World, kept down by CIA-supported death squads that attacked labor unions and created coups against governments not deemed to aid U.$. exploitation sufficiently.

Even in their own internal politics, CIA had those they purged, not to mention files CIA people kept on other CIA people. The CIA originally fell out with Melvin Lasky. The CIA's own story also goes that it drove a poet stir-crazy, as in running around Latin America standing on statues naked and proclaiming Hitler. He had to be tossed as a CCF leader. When the CIA entered the "culture war," it found it had all the same problems as the vanguard parties it was criticizing.

Like vanguard parties, CIA also had its persuasion failures. CCF's nominal leader Bertrand Russell resigned in disgust. Richard Wright bolted for the communist side and when CIA intervened to deny Pablo Neruda a Nobel Prize for Literature because of his "Stalin Prize," CIA nemesis #1 Sartre got the prize instead. Fortunately for CIA, by the time these two received their Nobel prizes, the political ground had shifted anyway.

For that matter, according to Frances Stonor Saunders, President Lyndon Johnson himself ordered the whole lot of the center- left to be tossed--"liberals, intellectuals and communists." He was not going to get the reliable help he needed on Vietnam, so one interpretation goes that CIA eventually purged the left-wing of parasitism too, spit it out after using it against Stalin era communism and Stalin's immediate aftermath.

Nonetheless, special attention needs to go to the dupes of the CIA in the left-wing of parasitism. In the most liberal periods of CIA work it bribed and worked with anyone who was not pro-Stalin. For the rewards of their work in uniting everyone to the right of Stalin in anti-communism, the CIA got the Vietnam War and all politics ended up being remade. The imperialist leaders wanted to get out, but they could not, because no politician could explain to the labor aristocracy why U.$. imperialism should back down in the face of communism.

The non-communist so-called "left" also got the blood of half a million Indonesians in 1965 on its hands. CIA expanded from the hundreds into the thousands. Now there are a total of over 100,000 international spies. What has to be understood by many who only yesterday were talking about the "totalitarianism" of political movements with smaller parties than the CIA, is that the U.$. intelligence community dwarfs civilian politics in the united $tates. This is the new element for our day. The people of the early CIA are often still around among us, people like Irving Kristol, but what is really different today is size. As MIM has explained, the parasitic strata in the economy grow in an imperialist society--especially prison guarding, spying, soldiering and weapons manufacturing.

Frances Stonor Saunders described the thinking of JFK cabinet member Schlesinger and the line of the CIA:

"In what Arthur Schlesinger described as a 'quiet revolution', elements of the government had come increasingly to understand and support the ideas of those intellectuals who were disillusioned with Communism but still faithful to the ideals of socialism. . . . 'the theoretical foundation of the Agency's political operations against Communism over the next two decades'."(9)

It is not a coincidence that MIM moved forward in the 1980s, because MIM bashed Trotskyism and put forward the line against parasitism. Blunting advance everywhere was CIA in the background, but where the MIM line was the angle of attack, there was at least a contrast with the CIA line.

Famous Trotskyists were having their misdeeds covered for by CIA. Max Eastman shown in the "Reds" movie ended up a supporter of Joe McCarthy.(10)

CIA agent of Nixon fame, a real sick puppy, Howard Hunt said of his compatriot James Burnham, "'he had extensive contacts in Europe and, by virtue of his Trotskyite background, was something of an authority on domestic and foreign Communist parties and front organizations.'"(11)

The kind of ex-pseudo-communists that wrote the Black Book of Communism are a favorite of CIA. When the CIA mounted its equivalent of D-Day to try to find someone to compete with Sartre in France, it ended up with anti-Stalin trash:

"Having failed to attract a French editor, the Executive Committee decided to give the job to Francois Bondy, a Swiss writer of German mother tongue who had been a Communist Party activist until the Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1939."(12)

The original impetus of U.S. government cooperation with the left-wing of white nationalism and the pro-Stalin communists was WWII. When WWII ended, cooperation with pro-Stalin people ended.

CIA apologist David Engerman says that federal involvement in Soviet Studies brought money to the humynities fields in universities. He also says that the Marx-influenced Frankfurt School found itself co- opted into the CIA predecessor organization.(13)

On the other hand, CIA fronts called Russian Research Centers at Harvard and Columbia would not accept members of the genuine communist parties.(14) So it is that the CIA, Harvard and Columbia handed us at MIM an easy tactical retort: the ONLY people to oppose the U.$. government are pro-Stalin communists. All the rest are fatuous intellectuals accepted even into the CIA. That should make it pretty easy for any young communist activist to decide who to side with. MIM is the antidote to CIA-run politics.

1. Frances Stonor Saunders (hereafter FSS), The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters NY: The New Press, 1999, p. 609.
2. FSS, op. cit., p. 378.
3. FSS, op. cit., p. 53.
4. FSS, op. cit., p. 193.
5. FSS, op. cit., p. 257.
6. FSS, op. cit., p. 290.
7. FSS, op. cit., p. 287.
8. FSS, op. cit., p. 245.
9. FSS, op. cit., p. 63.
10. FSS, op. cit., p. 200.
11. FSS, op. cit., p. 87.
12. FSS, op. cit., p. 101.
13. DAVID C. ENGERMAN, "The Ironies of the Iron Curtain: The Cold War and the Rise of Russian Studies in the US."
14. DAVID C. ENGERMAN, "The Ironies of the Iron Curtain: The Cold War and the Rise of Russian Studies in the US."

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Thursday, November 16, 2006


by bob feldman

The mass-circulation weekly TEMPO accused Ford of having once played, at the urging of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, a covert role in Indonesian political affairs by consciously supporting the work of individuals who were deemed to be sympathetic to the anti-communist aims of American foreign policy.
— Chronicle of Philanthropy, 12/13/01

The Ford Foundation's history of collaboration and interlock with the CIA in pursuit of U.S. world hegemony is now a well-documented fact...The Ford Foundation has in some ways refined their style of collaboration with Washington's attempt to produce world cultural domination, but retained the substance of that policy...The ties between the top officials of the Ford Foundation and the U.S. government are explicit and continuing.
—James Petras in "The Ford Foundation and the CIA: A documented case of philanthropic collaboration with the Secret Police" on 12/15/2001

The multi-billion dollar Ford Foundation's historic relationship to the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] is rarely mentioned on Pacifica's DEMOCRACY NOW / Deep Dish TV show, on FAIR's COUNTERSPIN show, on the WORKING ASSETS RADIO show, on The Nation Institute's RADIO NATION show, on David Barsamian's ALTERNATIVE RADIO show or in the pages of PROGRESSIVE, MOTHER JONES and Z magazine. One reason may be because the Ford Foundation and other Establishment foundations subsidize the Establishment Left's alternative media gatekeepers / censors.

George Soros' "Parallel Anti-War Media/Movement" by bob feldman

Big Oil's Foundation/PBS Links by bob feldman

Northwestern University's CIA Connection by bob feldman

COUNTERPUNCH's FERI/Roosevelt Dynasty Connection? — part 1

More Nation Magazine — Big Oil Links

Project Censored's MacArthur Foundation Link

Time For Ford Foundation & CFR To Divest?

THE NATION's NED Connection — part 1 / part 2
The Nation magazine's not-so-progressive connections to the National Endowment for Democracy and other private agencies with elite ties to the US foreign policy establishment.











The Ford Foundation's Skull and Bones Link

"Alternative" media paymasters: Carlyle, Alcoa, Xerox, Coca Cola...? (Brian Salter, 29 Sep 2002)
A look at some connections of the Ford Foundation Board of Trustees...

Bob Feldman and Brian Salter reply to a reader (21 Sep 2002)

[click here for email-formatted version of this page]

"GATEKEEPERS" flyer — please print it out and distribute widely!

Gatekeepers chart by Eric Salter. Special thanks to Don Paul for editorial assistance.

For further reading about the Left establishment media and marginalization of independent 9/11 research:
The Gatekeepers
